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A Guide to COVID-19 Research: Home

A guide to research on COVID-19 and its impact around the world.

This guide is designed to support research prior to publishing. You will find resources (IFPRI-based and external to IFPRI) on each of the pages. Go to "Search" for search tools resources. "News" shows you where to find updating news about the ongoing pandemic. The following three pages include visualizations and an assortment of resources specific to the topic's intersection with COVID-19 research. The selection for the topics correspond to IFPRI's current research on COVID-19. Go to "Events" for IFPRI-led and externally-hosted events. For resources that IFPRI has curated on their website, select "IFPRI Resources and Analyses of COVID-19 Impact." On "Countries" you will see an updating visualization of the global pandemic. The dropdown includes pages specific to some of the countries relevant to current IFPRI research.

COVID-19 Calls for Papers and Special Issues

Publishers are issuing calls for COVID-related research on a rolling basis. Below is a constantly-updating list of calls for papers arranged by journal title.

If you are aware of calls for papers that should be added to this list, send us an email!

IFPRI Resources and Analyses of COVID-19 Impact

WorldCat Discovery Search

More Resources

Looking for peer-reviewed research about COVID-19? Try one of these journals:

Navigate to the following pages on this guide to learn more about that topic and COVID-19:

IFPRI is a CGIAR Research Center