IFPRI uses the Institutional Repository to fulfill two purposes: publishing IFPRI researchers' publications and data sets, and recording publications produced externally by IFPRI authors or with IFPRI-managed funding. The repository is a metadata hub supplying the main corporate website with bibliographic metadata, as well as providing metadata on a subset of project publications to WordPress project micro sites. We also use the records as the sources for records in RePEc, Mendeley, and Google Books.
IFPRI Publications Repository: The IFPRI Publications collection contains IFPRI-published or co-published works. For the past several years, IFPRI has released these publications under a Creative Commons license. For works prior to that, the PDF is generally available for download.
IFPRI authors in external sources: The IFPRI authors in outside collection represents the work of our authors when published in journals, books, and in other forms outside of IFPRI. We generally do not have PDFs, but we indicate the Open Access status and license and provide a link to download the full text where applicable.
IFPRI Datasets: The Datasets collection consists of metadata records for publicly available datasets and links to the files available from Dataverse at this link.
CGIAR Research Program Publications: This collection is for publications funded by IFPRI-led CRPs but not published by IFPRI and lacking IFPRI authors.
Compact2025 Resources: Compact2025 is an initiative for ending hunger and undernutrition by 2025. It brings stakeholders together to set priorities, innovate and learn, fine-tune actions, build on successes, and synthesize sharable lessons in order to accelerate progress.
For more collections, visit the institutional repository website.