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IFPRI Institutional Repository: Search, Access, and Use

This page contains information on how to search within the IFPRI repository. Searches allow you to identify items for further study, but because the query is contained in the URL, you can put the link to the search results on other pages or documents.

Instructions for Search

The search function defaults to a simple search of all fields, or you have the option to run an advanced search of a single field or a compound search of multiple fields. Both the simple and advanced search uses the * as a truncator.

After selecting "Advanced Search", the view will expand to cover the records and your first choice is to select a collection or a default to all collections, then click save. Once you have confirmed or selected a collection, you are given a choice of choosing the field from a drop down, and then the operator (and, or, all, none). Repeat the process for additional fields.

Search Tips

Some key fields used for advanced searches:

Series name: name of the publication series

Language: French, Spanish, Chinese etc.

Country location: country name and regional names

Record Type: brief, book, journal article, working paper etc. 

Keyword descriptors: subject terms

IFPRI Descriptors: project names (Can't find your project? Ask us! We may have modified the name for the repository.)

Advanced search

To use the advanced search function:

1) Select the collection:


​For more information about each collection, check the box "Learn more about our collections"

2) Select field for search:

For instance, you can search a publication by title, author, year, series name, etc.

3) After typing your search term, you can select a search type (or operator):

  • All of the words: Searches for all of the words in any order. In Boolean logic, this search is similar to using "AND". 
  • The exact phrase: Searches for all of the words in the exact order. This is similar to using quotation marks in other search engines.
  • Any of the words: Searches for any of the words entered in the search box. Using Boolean logic, this search is similar to using "OR". 
  • None of the words: Use this option with any of the other search boxes to exclude a term. Using Boolean logic, this search is similar to using "NOT". 

Note: Do not type Boolean operators in your words search. When you select a search type/operator it will be used automatically in your search and the word you typed will be ignored as a search term.

IFPRI is a CGIAR Research Center