To change the attached PDF in a record, you begin by finding the item you with to edit, then after click the 'edit' button, click 'bitstreams'
- Notice there are several included files
- Original: This is the attached PDF downloadable by the user
- License: This is the Creative Commons or other access license text
- Text: DSpace extracts the text from a PDF using OCR and stores it as a text file. This file is then indexed to enable full-text search
- Thumbnail: image files used as the thumbnail image in the user interface or through the API
- Before proceeding, please note: deleting a bitstream (aka deleting a file) also removes any associated usage data.
- A better practice would be to upload an new version
- Include in the file description that it is an updated version
- Change the existing file to be not accessible or private
- If a new thumbnail is needed, that can be done through a deletion/new upload
- You may edit in the following ways (mouseover tooltip to check each button function)
- download the file to examine it
- edit the file name and description
- delete file
- upload new file
- undo changes
- Save when finished