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Using CGSpace

This is a guide to using all aspects of the CGIAR Consortial Repository, CGSpace.

Moving between collections

Collections in DSpace are not mutually exclusive and items can be included in more that one collection, however there can only be one primary collection. The primary collection is selected at the point of record creation, inclusion in subsequent collections is done through mapping. The primary collection can be reassigned, and collection mapping can be changed, but the process for doing each is different. 

Below is a description of how to change the primary collection for an item. 

  1. Begin by selecting the item, then clicking the 'edit' button. 
  2. The default page is then 'metadata' but you will need to select the first tab 'status'
  3. Then 'move this to another collection'
  4. Select the target collection either by scrolling or through the search box. The shading color is somewhat faint. 
    1. Once you've clicked save, you should see a confirmation checkmark appear on the screen
    2. you will also see the new collection appear in the bread crumb across the top of the page, if not immediate refresh
  5. Click 'inherit' at the bottom and then save


Mapping is DSpace 7 done when editing an item.

  1. You begin in the same way as with moving an item. Then you select the last tab, 'mapping.' 
  2. You see two sub-tabs, first is 'browse mapped collections' 
    1. This is used to remove a mapping and it displays all existing mapped collections
    2. In this example where nothing is mapped, we start with nothing displayed.
    3. Note that the mapped collections do not include the primary assigned collection
  3. The second sub-tab is 'map new collections'
    1. There you will see a search box to identify any collection to which you have rights
    2. From the listed collections, select by checking the box for all that you wish to map
    3. Click 'map item to selected collections' at the bottom.
    4. You will then see your selections under 'browse mapped collections'

IFPRI is a CGIAR Research Center